Industrial Transformers

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Power Transformers

Power transformers are electrical instruments used in transmitting electrical power from one circuit to another without changing the frequency. They operate by the principle of electromagnetic induction. They are used in transmitting electrical power between generators and distribution primary circuits.

Solar Inverter Transformers

A solar power transformer is used in solar power applications. A solar panel transformer has to convert the DC voltage coming out of the photovoltaic systems and step it up to the rated output. This can also be called as a solar inverter transformer because it inverts DC to AC. When solar panels are arranged in an array over large areas, the combination is called a solar farm.

Distribution Transformers

Distribution transformers are normally located at a service drop, where wires run from a utility pole or underground power lines to a customer's premises. They are often used for the power supply of facilities outside settlements, such as isolated houses, farmyards or pumping stations at voltages below 30 kV.

Furnace Transformers

Furnace transformers are widely utilized where there are high current requirements such as in the steel and cement industries. They require high current levels that must also be variable due to the frequent short circuits. These transformers must be designed to resist the high levels of electrical, thermal, and mechanical stresses to which they are subject to during utilization. They are highly regarded for their high level of quality and reliability for many demanding applications. Various types of furnace transformers are available such as Arc Furnace, Submerged Arc Furnace, Ladle Furnace and Induction Furnace.

Dry Type Transformer

A dry type transformer is defined as a transformer that does not use any liquid as an insulating or cooling medium for its windings or core. Instead, the windings and core are enclosed in a sealed tank that is filled with air or gas under pressure. Dry type transformers are widely used in various industries and applications because of their safety, reliability, and environmental benefits. They can operate in harsh conditions such as high humidity, fire risk, and seismic events without compromising their performance or posing any hazard to people or property.

Hermetically Sealed Transformer

The hermetic sealing is achieved by enclosing the transformer in a tightly sealed metal tank or enclosure. This tank is filled with a dielectric insulating fluid such as mineral oil or synthetic oil, which provides electrical insulation and helps to dispel the heat generated during operation

Compact Sub Station

Electrical substation, one of the integral parts of the electrical distribution system, has undergone many changes in terms of technology, components and forms. Today, we need substations which are compact as well as power efficient. To meet this need, L&T Electrical & Automation (E&A) offers compact substations which are also known as Pre-fabricated substations, Package Substations (PSS) or Unitized substations (USS).

HT-AVR Transformer with built in AVR

This low/high voltage is applied to all electrical machines like Transformers, Motors, etc., hence causing loss in substantial electrical energy. Besides voltage fluctuations also play havoc by damaging expensive, sophisticated, CNC/PLC controlled equipment, lighting, elevators, etc. Therefore arising a need to conserve energy as power tariff is ever increasing.

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